Source code for zlogging.enum.HTTP

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"""Namespace: ``HTTP``."""

from zlogging._compat import enum

[docs]@enum.unique class Tags(enum.IntFlag): """Enum: ``HTTP::Tags``. Indicate a type of attack or compromise in the record to be logged. See Also: `base/protocols/http/main.zeek <>`__ """ _ignore_ = 'Tags _' Tags = vars() #: Placeholder. EMPTY = #: (present if policy/protocols/http/detect-sqli.zeek is loaded) #: Indicator of a URI based SQL injection attack. URI_SQLI = #: (present if policy/protocols/http/detect-sqli.zeek is loaded) #: Indicator of client body based SQL injection attack. This is #: typically the body content of a POST request. Not implemented #: yet. POST_SQLI = #: (present if policy/protocols/http/detect-sqli.zeek is loaded) #: Indicator of a cookie based SQL injection attack. Not #: implemented yet. COOKIE_SQLI =