Source code for zlogging.enum.SSL

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"""Namespace: ``SSL``."""

from zlogging._compat import enum

[docs]@enum.unique class SctSource(enum.IntFlag): """Enum: ``SSL::SctSource``. List of the different sources for Signed Certificate Timestamp. See Also: `policy/protocols/ssl/validate-sct.zeek <>`__ """ _ignore_ = 'SctSource _' SctSource = vars() #: Signed Certificate Timestamp was encountered in the extension of #: an X.509 certificate. SCT_X509_EXT = #: Signed Certificate Timestamp was encountered in an TLS session #: extension. SCT_TLS_EXT = #: Signed Certificate Timestamp was encountered in the extension of #: an stapled OCSP reply. SCT_OCSP_EXT =