.. ZLogging documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Feb 10 09:31:25 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ZLogging - Bro/Zeek logging framework for Python ================================================ .. module:: zlogging The ``ZLogging`` module provides an easy-to-use bridge between the logging framework of the well-known Bro/Zeek Network Security Monitor (IDS). As of version 3.0, the ``Bro`` project has been officially renamed to ``Zeek``. [1]_ It was originally developed and derived from the |BroAPT|_ project, which is an APT detection framework based on the Bro/Zeek IDS and extended with highly customised and customisable Python wrappers. .. _BroAPT: https://broapt.jarryshaw.me .. |BroAPT| replace:: ``BroAPT`` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 loader dumper model types typing _exc _aux _data enum/index ------------ Installation ------------ .. note:: ``ZLogging`` supports Python all versions above and includes **3.6**. .. code-block:: python pip install zlogging ----- Usage ----- Currently ``ZLogging`` supports the two builtin formats as supported by the Bro/Zeek logging framework, i.e. ASCII and JSON. A typical ASCII log file would be like: .. code-block:: #separator \x09 #set_separator , #empty_field (empty) #unset_field - #path http #open 2020-02-09-18-54-09 #fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p trans_depth method host uri referrer version user_agent origin request_body_len response_body_len status_code status_msg info_code info_msg tags username password proxied orig_fuids orig_filenames orig_mime_types resp_fuids resp_filenames resp_mime_types #types time string addr port addr port count string string string string string string string count count count string count string set[enum] string string set[string] vector[string] vector[string] vector[string] vector[string] vector[string] vector[string] 1581245648.761106 CSksID3S6ZxplpvmXg 56475 80 1 GET ocsp.sectigo.com /MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFEML0g5PE3oabJGPJOXafjJNRzPIBBSNjF7EVK2K4Xfpm/mbBeG4AY1h4QIQfdsAWJ+CXcbhDVFyNWosjQ== - 1.1 com.apple.trustd/2.0 - 0 471 200 OK - - (empty) - - - - - - FPtlyEAhcf8orBPu7 - application/ocsp-response 1581245651.379048 CuvUnl4HyhQbCs4tXe 56483 80 1 GET isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com /MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA== - 1.1 com.apple.trustd/2.0 - 0 1398 200 OK - - (empty) - - - - - - FRfFoq3hSZkdCNDf9l - application/ocsp-response 1581245654.396334 CWo4pd1z97XLB2o0h2 56486 80 1 GET isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com /MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA== - 1.1 com.apple.trustd/2.0 - 0 1398 200 OK - - (empty) - - - - - - FvQehf1pRsGmwDUzJe - application/ocsp-response 1581245692.728840 CxFQzh2ePtsnQhFNX3 56527 80 1 GET isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com /MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA== - 1.1 com.apple.trustd/2.0 - 0 1398 200 OK - - (empty) - - - - - - FIeFj8WWNyhA1psGg - application/ocsp-response 1581245701.693971 CPZSNk1Y6kDvAN0KZ8 56534 80 1 GET isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com /MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA== - 1.1 com.apple.trustd/2.0 - 0 1398 200 OK - - (empty) - - - - - - F0fGHe4RPuNBhYWNv6 - application/ocsp-response 1581245707.848088 Cnab6CHFOprdppKi5 56542 80 1 GET isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com /MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA== - 1.1 com.apple.trustd/2.0 - 0 1398 200 OK - - (empty) - - - - - - FgDBep1h7EPHC8qQB6 - application/ocsp-response 1581245952.784242 CPNd6t3ofePpdNjErl 56821 80 1 GET tracker.trackerfix.com /announce?info_hash=y\x82es"\x1dV\xde|m\xbe"\xe5\xef\xbe\x04\xb3\x1fW\xfc&peer_id=-qB4210-0ZOn5Ifyl*WF&port=63108&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=3225455594&corrupt=0&key=6B23B036&event=started&numwant=200&compact=1&no_peer_id=1&supportcrypto=1&redundant=0 - 1.1 - - 0 0 307 Temporary Redirect - - (empty) - - - - - - - - - 1581245960.123295 CfAkwf2CFI13b24gqf 56889 80 1 GET tracker.trackerfix.com /announce?info_hash=!u7\xdad\x94x\xecS\x80\x89\x04\x9c\x13#\x84M\x1b\xcd\x1a&peer_id=-qB4210-i36iloGe*QT9&port=63108&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=1637966572&corrupt=0&key=ECE6637E&event=started&numwant=200&compact=1&no_peer_id=1&supportcrypto=1&redundant=0 - 1.1 - - 0 0 307 Temporary Redirect - - (empty) - - - - - - - - - #close 2020-02-09-19-01-40 Its corresponding JSON log file would be like: .. code-block:: json {"ts": 1581245648.761106, "uid": "CSksID3S6ZxplpvmXg", "id.orig_h": "", "id.orig_p": 56475, "id.resp_h": "", "id.resp_p": 80, "trans_depth": 1, "method": "GET", "host": "ocsp.sectigo.com", "uri": "/MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFEML0g5PE3oabJGPJOXafjJNRzPIBBSNjF7EVK2K4Xfpm/mbBeG4AY1h4QIQfdsAWJ+CXcbhDVFyNWosjQ==", "referrer": "-", "version": "1.1", "user_agent": "com.apple.trustd/2.0", "origin": "-", "request_body_len": 0, "response_body_len": 471, "status_code": 200, "status_msg": "OK", "info_code": null, "info_msg": "-", "tags": [], "username": "-", "password": "-", "proxied": null, "orig_fuids": null, "orig_filenames": null, "orig_mime_types": null, "resp_fuids": ["FPtlyEAhcf8orBPu7"], "resp_filenames": null, "resp_mime_types": ["application/ocsp-response"]} {"ts": 1581245651.379048, "uid": "CuvUnl4HyhQbCs4tXe", "id.orig_h": "", "id.orig_p": 56483, "id.resp_h": "", "id.resp_p": 80, "trans_depth": 1, "method": "GET", "host": "isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com", "uri": "/MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA==", "referrer": "-", "version": "1.1", "user_agent": "com.apple.trustd/2.0", "origin": "-", "request_body_len": 0, "response_body_len": 1398, "status_code": 200, "status_msg": "OK", "info_code": null, "info_msg": "-", "tags": [], "username": "-", "password": "-", "proxied": null, "orig_fuids": null, "orig_filenames": null, "orig_mime_types": null, "resp_fuids": ["FRfFoq3hSZkdCNDf9l"], "resp_filenames": null, "resp_mime_types": ["application/ocsp-response"]} {"ts": 1581245654.396334, "uid": "CWo4pd1z97XLB2o0h2", "id.orig_h": "", "id.orig_p": 56486, "id.resp_h": "", "id.resp_p": 80, "trans_depth": 1, "method": "GET", "host": "isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com", "uri": "/MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA==", "referrer": "-", "version": "1.1", "user_agent": "com.apple.trustd/2.0", "origin": "-", "request_body_len": 0, "response_body_len": 1398, "status_code": 200, "status_msg": "OK", "info_code": null, "info_msg": "-", "tags": [], "username": "-", "password": "-", "proxied": null, "orig_fuids": null, "orig_filenames": null, "orig_mime_types": null, "resp_fuids": ["FvQehf1pRsGmwDUzJe"], "resp_filenames": null, "resp_mime_types": ["application/ocsp-response"]} {"ts": 1581245692.72884, "uid": "CxFQzh2ePtsnQhFNX3", "id.orig_h": "", "id.orig_p": 56527, "id.resp_h": "", "id.resp_p": 80, "trans_depth": 1, "method": "GET", "host": "isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com", "uri": "/MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA==", "referrer": "-", "version": "1.1", "user_agent": "com.apple.trustd/2.0", "origin": "-", "request_body_len": 0, "response_body_len": 1398, "status_code": 200, "status_msg": "OK", "info_code": null, "info_msg": "-", "tags": [], "username": "-", "password": "-", "proxied": null, "orig_fuids": null, "orig_filenames": null, "orig_mime_types": null, "resp_fuids": ["FIeFj8WWNyhA1psGg"], "resp_filenames": null, "resp_mime_types": ["application/ocsp-response"]} {"ts": 1581245701.693971, "uid": "CPZSNk1Y6kDvAN0KZ8", "id.orig_h": "", "id.orig_p": 56534, "id.resp_h": "", "id.resp_p": 80, "trans_depth": 1, "method": "GET", "host": "isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com", "uri": "/MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA==", "referrer": "-", "version": "1.1", "user_agent": "com.apple.trustd/2.0", "origin": "-", "request_body_len": 0, "response_body_len": 1398, "status_code": 200, "status_msg": "OK", "info_code": null, "info_msg": "-", "tags": [], "username": "-", "password": "-", "proxied": null, "orig_fuids": null, "orig_filenames": null, "orig_mime_types": null, "resp_fuids": ["F0fGHe4RPuNBhYWNv6"], "resp_filenames": null, "resp_mime_types": ["application/ocsp-response"]} {"ts": 1581245707.848088, "uid": "Cnab6CHFOprdppKi5", "id.orig_h": "", "id.orig_p": 56542, "id.resp_h": "", "id.resp_p": 80, "trans_depth": 1, "method": "GET", "host": "isrg.trustid.ocsp.identrust.com", "uri": "/MFYwVKADAgEAME0wSzBJMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFG/0aE1DEtJIYoGcwCs9Rywdii+mBBTEp7Gkeyxx+tvhS5B1/8QVYIWJEAIQCgFBQgAAAVOFc2oLheynCA==", "referrer": "-", "version": "1.1", "user_agent": "com.apple.trustd/2.0", "origin": "-", "request_body_len": 0, "response_body_len": 1398, "status_code": 200, "status_msg": "OK", "info_code": null, "info_msg": "-", "tags": [], "username": "-", "password": "-", "proxied": null, "orig_fuids": null, "orig_filenames": null, "orig_mime_types": null, "resp_fuids": ["FgDBep1h7EPHC8qQB6"], "resp_filenames": null, "resp_mime_types": ["application/ocsp-response"]} {"ts": 1581245952.784242, "uid": "CPNd6t3ofePpdNjErl", "id.orig_h": "", "id.orig_p": 56821, "id.resp_h": "", "id.resp_p": 80, "trans_depth": 1, "method": "GET", "host": "tracker.trackerfix.com", "uri": "/announce?info_hash=y\\x82es\"\\x1dV\\xde|m\\xbe\"\\xe5\\xef\\xbe\\x04\\xb3\\x1fW\\xfc&peer_id=-qB4210-0ZOn5Ifyl*WF&port=63108&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=3225455594&corrupt=0&key=6B23B036&event=started&numwant=200&compact=1&no_peer_id=1&supportcrypto=1&redundant=0", "referrer": "-", "version": "1.1", "user_agent": "-", "origin": "-", "request_body_len": 0, "response_body_len": 0, "status_code": 307, "status_msg": "Temporary Redirect", "info_code": null, "info_msg": "-", "tags": [], "username": "-", "password": "-", "proxied": null, "orig_fuids": null, "orig_filenames": null, "orig_mime_types": null, "resp_fuids": null, "resp_filenames": null, "resp_mime_types": null} {"ts": 1581245960.123295, "uid": "CfAkwf2CFI13b24gqf", "id.orig_h": "", "id.orig_p": 56889, "id.resp_h": "", "id.resp_p": 80, "trans_depth": 1, "method": "GET", "host": "tracker.trackerfix.com", "uri": "/announce?info_hash=!u7\\xdad\\x94x\\xecS\\x80\\x89\\x04\\x9c\\x13#\\x84M\\x1b\\xcd\\x1a&peer_id=-qB4210-i36iloGe*QT9&port=63108&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=1637966572&corrupt=0&key=ECE6637E&event=started&numwant=200&compact=1&no_peer_id=1&supportcrypto=1&redundant=0", "referrer": "-", "version": "1.1", "user_agent": "-", "origin": "-", "request_body_len": 0, "response_body_len": 0, "status_code": 307, "status_msg": "Temporary Redirect", "info_code": null, "info_msg": "-", "tags": [], "username": "-", "password": "-", "proxied": null, "orig_fuids": null, "orig_filenames": null, "orig_mime_types": null, "resp_fuids": null, "resp_filenames": null, "resp_mime_types": null} How to Load/Parse a Log File? ----------------------------- To load (parse) a log file generically, i.e. when you don't know what format the log file is, you can simple call the :func:`~zlogging.loader.parse`, :func:`~zlogging.loader.load`, or :func:`~zlogging.loader.loads` functions: .. code-block:: python # to parse log at filename >>> parse('path/to/log') # to load log from a file object >>> with open('path/to/log', 'rb') as file: ... load(file) # to load log from a string >>> with open('/path/to/log', 'rb') as file: ... loads(file.read()) .. note:: When calling :func:`~zlogging.loader.load`, the file object must be opened in binary mode. When calling :func:`~zlogging.loader.loads`, if the ``data`` suplied is an encoded string (:obj:`str`), the function will first try to decode it as a bytestring (:obj:`bytes`) with ``'ascii'`` encoding. If you do know the format, you may call the specified functions for each format, e.g. :func:`~zlogging.loader.parse_ascii` and :func:`~zlogging.loader.parse_json`, etc. .. seealso:: * :func:`~zlogging.loader.parse_ascii` * :func:`~zlogging.loader.parse_json` * :func:`~zlogging.loader.load_ascii` * :func:`~zlogging.loader.load_json` * :func:`~zlogging.loader.loads_ascii` * :func:`~zlogging.loader.loads_json` If you would like to customise your own parser, just subclass :class:`~zlogging.loader.BaseParser` and implement your own ideas. How to Dump/Write a Log File? ----------------------------- Before dumping (writing) a log file, you need to create a log **data model** first. Just like in the Bro/Zeek script language, when customise logging, you need to notify the logging framework with a new log stream. Here, in ``ZLogging``, we introduced **data model** for the same purpose. A **data model** is a subclass of :class:`~zlogging.model.Model` with fields and data types declared. A typical **data model** can be as following: .. code-block:: python class MyLog(Model): field_one = StringType() field_two = SetType(element_type=PortType) where ``field_one`` is ``string`` type, i.e. :class:`~zlogging.types.StringType`; and ``field_two`` is ``set[port]`` types, i.e. :class:`~zlogging.types.SetType` of :class:`~zlogging.types.PortType`. Or you may use type annotations as :pep:`484` introduced when declaring **data models**. All available type hints can be found in :mod:`zlogging.typing`: .. code-block:: python class MyLog(Model): field_one: zeek_string field_two: zeek_set[zeek_port] .. seealso:: See :class:`~zlogging.types.BaseType` and :class:`~zlogging.model.Model` for more information about the data types and data model. After declaration of your **data model**, you can know dump (write) your log file with the corresponding functions. .. seealso:: * :func:`~zlogging.dumper.write_ascii` * :func:`~zlogging.dumper.write_json` * :func:`~zlogging.dumper.dump_ascii` * :func:`~zlogging.dumper.dump_json` * :func:`~zlogging.dumper.dumps_ascii` * :func:`~zlogging.dumper.dumps_json` If you would like to customise your own writer, just subclass :class:`~zlogging.loader.BaseWriter` and implement your own ideas. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. raw:: html
.. [1] https://blog.zeek.org/2018/10/renaming-bro-project_11.html